Coaching InVivo

An individual programme that stands out

Experience the difference

Are you looking for a boost in your leadership capacity ? Or are you preparing for the next step in your career ?

Interactifs offers the most hands-on and practical programme on the market. It will enable you to:

  • Boost your impact and influence while remaining true to your beliefs,
  • Improve your effectiveness in very little time,
  • Increase your confidence without any self-help “psycho-babble”.

We work with you InVivo, at the heart of all your real-life situations.

Relationships are key to your success.
The Interactifs Discipline© is the key to successful relationships

It helps you increase:

  • the authority you convey,
  • the impact you make,
  • the results you produce,
  • the respect you earn,
  • the respect you show,
  • the quality of your relationships,
  • the enjoyment you derive.


To achieve this, the Interactifs Discipline© reconciles:
– Emotions and rational thinking,
– Rigor and freedom,
– Authority and kindness,
– Self-respect and respect for others.



A 5 hour learning experience comprising of equals amounts of coaching and training, all fully embedded in real-life work-related situations of your choice: day-to-day team management, conflict resolution, project management, negotiation, etc.


3-hour visio session


2 visio sessions of 1h

And far more if you wish…

Our experienced coaches and trainers.

Philippe de Lapoyade

Virginie Martin

Annabella Silverio

Sara Lucet

Clément Toulemonde

Stephanie Braun

Jean-Pierre Bruchet

Magdalena Ciemielewska

Nathalie Hammou

Philippe Dauger

Client references

Let's get in touch:

86-90 Paul Street London EC2A 4NE United Kingdom

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